Simpcw Community Centre - NEQWEYQWELSTEN SCHOOL

The Simpcw Community Centre will be located about 15km north of Barriére, BC, and 84km north of Kamloops, BC. It is located on the North Thompson 1 reserve, currently home to approximately 90% of Simpcw's registered on-reserve population. The proposed Simpcw Community Centre will include program areas of: Elementary School, Early Learning Centre/Childcare, Gymnasium/ Community Hall, Wellness, Administration, and Natural Resource Department. It will be a two-storey facility using a hybrid structural system of wood frame and heavy timber construction.

Following services will be provided on site:
- Building sewer line will be connected to a septic tank and septic field.
- Propane tanks
- A diesel fuel tank for an emergency generator

This is a brownfield site that housed an administrative building for the last 40-50 years.

Species at Risk:

The American badger (Taxidea taxus) is mapped by the BC Conservation Data Centre within the project area. It is provincially red-listed and federally identified under SARA as Endangered. American badger have distinctive head markings, including a white stripe that runs down the top of their head and black markings on their face. It resides in grasslands, shrub-steppe, and dry open forest. American badger dig in soils for prey

Badgers utilize burrows for resting, foraging, food storage, giving birth, and raising young. They dig their burrows in firm soils that won't cause a collapse. Burrows are built on flat to steep terrain and identified by their elliptical shape and mound of dirt at the entrance. They are between 20cm and 30cm wide and 15 to 25cm deep and often have claw marks around the entrance. 

Given that the proposed construction footprint is previously disturbed, with much of it paved or previously built on, it is unlikely that American badger use the site for denning or hunting. However, before construction begins, badger burrows should be searched for along access routes and grassy areas. If a badger burrow is discovered, it should remain untouched and the BC Conservation Data Centre should be notified.

Migratory Birds 

It is unknown if migratory birds use the area during the year. Since no trees, and only two shrubs, are proposed to be cleared, works are unlikely to disturb migratory birds.

There is potential for one Saskatoon berry shrub and one ornamental shrub to be removed. If this clearing is proposed within the migratory bird breeding window (April 1 to August 15) a biologist will complete a nest survey prior to the shrubs being removed. If nests are found, they will not be removed or damaged and the nesting pair will be allowed to remain in the nest until the young have fledged.

Fish or Fish Habitat

The closest mapped water body is Newhykulston Creek, which is 160m away from the project site. Thompson River is 520m away. Their proximity to the project area eliminates foreseeable impacts to fish and fish habitat in these water bodies. During construction, the contractor should ensure that water is not discharged into a watercourse (ex. river or stream) or waterbody (wetland, pond, lake).

Predominant vegetation on or adjacent to the site

Predominant vegetation on the site includes lawn grass (Zoysia spp.), cherry (Prunus spp.), stonecrop (Crassula spp.), umbellifer (Apiaceae spp.) and Saskatoon berry (Amelanchier alnifolia). Vegetation surrounding the project are includes species typical to a Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forest in the Interior Douglas fir biogeoclimatic zone (IDF).

Plant species at risk on or adjacent to the proposed project area

Although plant species at risk were not identified within the project area, the Mexican Mosquito-fern (Azolla Mexicana), has been mapped 5 km from the project site by the Conservation Data Centre. This fern is provincially blue-listed and federally identified as threatened under SARA but is unlikely to volunteer within the project area due to the disturbed conditions and lack of suitable habitat. If it is observed on site, it should be left undisturbed and reported to the CDC.

Note: Based on the information provided by Simpcw and their consultant, Unison Architecture.


Latest update

November 19, 2021 - Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) issued its Notice of Determination and determined that the project:

is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects..



Indigenous Services Canada
Fasih Siddiqui, Senior Engineer
1138 Melville Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 4S3
Telephone: 604-376-0802
Fax: 604-775-7149

  • Location

    • Simpcw First Nation, North Thompson 1 (British Columbia)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Other, not otherwise specified
  • Assessment Status

    In progress
  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Simpcw First Nation
  • Authorities

    • Indigenous Services Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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